Ambulance parked near shore in Blue Hill MaineThe Peninsula Ambulance Corps is a not for profit, 501(c)(3) corporation formed in 1968, and provides ambulance service to the seven towns of the Blue Hill peninsula. PAC employs a Manager, Assistant Manager and twenty-one full or part time Paramedics and EMTs. PAC is governed by a 5 to 15 member Board of Directors.

The Board members are non-compensated volunteers and are residents of the towns in PAC’s primary service area. They bring diverse expertise from careers including accounting, business management, education, government, law, media, medicine and the military to the organization.

Members of the Board of Directors are recruited and elected by the Board to serve staggered three-year terms. The Board elects four officers, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and the Medical Director at the annual meeting in April. All Board members serve on one or more of the Board’s four standing committees: Development, Finance, Nominating and Personnel, which meet as needed. The Board holds monthly meetings chaired by the President where it hears reports from each officer, committee chair and the Manager and conducts business as required.